Hall effect in n- and p-germanium

Article no. P2530116 | Type: Experiments

45 Minutes
45 Minutes


The resistivity and Hall voltage of a rectangular germanium sample are measured as a function of temperature and magnetic field. The band spacing, the specific conductivity, the type of charge carrier and the mobility of the charge carriers are determined from the measurements.


  • Hall effect unit to control temperature, voltage, and supports intrinsic, p- and n-type Ge crystals
  • Version with PC control and data acquisition
  • Direct connection to PC via USB connection
  • No extra interface necessary
  • Magnetic field sensor can be connected directly with the Hall effect unit


  1. The Hall voltage is measured at room temperature and constant magnetic field as a function of the control current and plotted on a graph (measurement without compensation for defect voltage).
  2. The voltage across the sample is measured at room temperature and constant control current as a function of the magnetic induction B.
  3. The voltage across the sample is measured at constant control current as a function of the temperature. The band spacing of germanium is calculated from the measurements.
  4. The Hall voltage UH is measured as a function of the magnetic induction B, at room temperature. The sign of the charge carriers and the Hall constant RH together with the Hall mobility μH and the carrier concentration p are calculated from the measurements.
  5. The Hall voltage UH is measured as a function of temperature at constant magnetic induction B and the values are plotted on a graph.

Learning objectives

  • Semiconductor
  • Band theory
  • Forbidden zone
  • Intrinsic conductivity
  • Extrinsic conductivity
  • Valence band
  • Conduction band
  • Lorentz force
  • Magnetic resistance
  • Mobility
  • Conductivity
  • Band spacing
  • Hall coefficient

 Software included. Computer not provided.

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Hall effect in n- and p-germanium
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