The characteristic current-voltage curves of a solar cell with ADM3

Article no. P9502700 | Type: Experiments

20 Minutes
10 Minutes
grades 7-10 , grades 10-13

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The current-voltage characteristic of a solar cell describes its behavior under load. The output power of the solar cell is maximum when its internal resistance is as large as the external resistance. To record the characteristic curve, a resistance decade is connected to the solar cell. It has 12 switch positions, with different resistances (also short-circuit and open), whose values have been selected so that the course of the characteristic curve can be well represented.


  • Part of a system solution - easily expandable for further experiments
  • Simple teaching by using the demo board physics
  • Clear test execution by using ADM3 multimeters

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The characteristic current-voltage curves of a solar cell with ADM3
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