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Technical data

What does the spectrum of a light-emitting diode (LED) look like?

Article no: P1415101


Care is to be taken in particular that the experimental setup is not shifted during the experiment, in particular the ruler because otherwise no reference point for the comparison of the measuring curves is available. Furthermore, this experiment has to be carried out in a completely dark room.


  • Specified for the requirements of the german final secondary-school examinations
  • Especially for secondary schools
  • Quantum and wave optics in a student experiment


What does the spectrum of a light emitting diode look like?

When we observe the white LED through a grating we can see colour components across nearly the entire spectrum. Because our eye cannot see the individual frequencies objectively but overemphasises the green range it is difficult to say which intensities the individual colour ranges have. An absolute comparative determination of intensity is hardly possible.
In contrast to our eye, the light sensor in the set measures the light intensity very precisely and outputs a voltage proportional to the incident intensity which can be measured with the multimeter. This allows the spectrum to be measured and to determine at which frequencies the individual LEDs have their radiation maximum and what their relationship to each other is.
In this experiment you will learn how to (objectively) measure the spectrum.

Scope of delivery

Support base, variable 02001-00 1
Stand rods, stainless steel, various sizes 02037-00 2
Slide mount without angle scale 09851-02 2
Mount with scale on slide mount 09823-00 2
Diaphragm holder, attachable 11604-09 4
Lens on slide mount, f=+100mm 09820-02 1
Lens on slide mount, f=+50mm 09820-01 1
Illumination slit, 0.5 mm, hardpaper 09851-12 1
Grating, 500 lines/mm, in slide frame, glassless 09851-16 1
LED - red, with series resistor and 4 mm plugs 09852-20 1
LED - green, with series resistor and 4 mm plugs 09852-30 1
LED - blue, with series resistor and 4 mm plugs 09852-40 1
LED - UV, with series resistor and 4 mm plugs 09852-50 1
LED - white, with series resistor and 4 mm plugs 09852-60 1
Light sensor with amplifier, adjustable 09852-70 1
Power supply, 5 V DC 09852-99 1
Stray light tube 09852-71 1
PHYWE Power supply, 230 V, DC: 0...12 V, 2 A / AC: 6 V, 12 V, 5 A 13506-93 1
PHYWE Digital multimeter, 600V AC/DC, 10A AC/DC, 20 MΩ, 200 µF, 20 kHz, −20°C…760°C 07122-00 1
Connecting cable, 32 A, red, various lengths 07362-01 2
Connecting cable, 32 A, blue, various lengths 07362-04 2
Angular scale, laminated 09851-01 1
Ruler, l = 50 cm 09851-04 1

PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Robert-Bosch-Breite 10 – 37079 Göttingen – Germany