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Technical data

Communicating vessel

Article no: P1296900


lt is tobe proved, that the heights of a (homogenous) liquid in vessels which are connected to each other are the same.

The principle of the water-level will then be demonstrated.



  • Optimised for demonstration experiments: Transformation from horizontal into vertical direction
  • Very good visibility: Big devices on uniform background
  • Strong Magnets (at least 10 N) allow a safe mounting and therefore a very easy handling

Scope of delivery

PHYWE Demo Physics board with stand 02150-00 1
Pointers f. Demonst.Board, 4 pcs 02154-01 1
Rod on fixing magnet 02151-02 1
Track holder on fixing magnet 02151-05 2
Clamping holder, 0-13 mm, fixing magnet 02151-07 2
Overflow vessel on fixing magnet 02158-00 1
Immersion probe 02632-00 1
Cart for measurements and experiments 11060-00 1
Track, l 900 mm 11606-00 1
Beakers, Boro, high form, various sizes 46029-00 1
Silicone tubing, various diameters 39296-00 2
Beaker, 100 ml, plastic (PP) 36011-01 1
Microspoon, steel 33393-00 1
Patent Blue V, 25 ml 48376-05 1
Marker, black 46402-01 1
G-clamp 02014-01 2

PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Robert-Bosch-Breite 10 – 37079 Göttingen – Germany