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Technical data

Histology: Blood, 10 microscope slides

Article no: LIE-72200

Function and Applications

72200 Histology: Blood, 10 microscope slides - 1. Human blood smear, Wright’s stain. 2. Rabbit blood smear, Giemsa stain. 3. Cat blood smear, Giemsa stain. 4. Rat blood smear, Giemsa stain. 5. Rana, Frog, blood smear, nucleated erythrocytes. 6. Salamandra, blood smear. 7. Lacerta, lizard, blood smear. 8. Gallus domesticus, chicken, blood smear. 9. Cyprinus, carp, blood smear. 10. Red bone marrow of cow, thin sec.

The microslides are supplied in a slide box.

PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Robert-Bosch-Breite 10 – 37079 Göttingen – Germany