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Technical data

Zeeman effect with a variable magnetic system

Article no: P2511010


The "Zeeman effect" is the splitting up of the spectral lines of atoms within a magnetic field. The simplest is the splitting up of one spectral line into three components called the "normal Zeeman effect". In this experiment the normal Zeeman effect as well as the anomalous Zeeman effect are studied using a cadmium spectral lamp as a specimen. The cadmium lamp is submitted to different magnetic flux densities and the splitting up of the cadmium lines (normal Zeeman effect 643.8 nm, red light; anomalous Zeeman effect 508,6nm, green light) is investigated using a Fabry-Perot interferometer. The evaluation of the results leads to a fairly precise value for Bohr's magneton.


  • Experience the essence of the Nobel prize: Zeeman (1902)
  • Normal and anomalous Zeeman effect with one setup
  • Permanent magnet where the variable distance between the 2 poleshoes creates the magnetic field
  • High precision Fabry-Perot interferometer necessary for good results
  • Image analysis by specific PC capture and analysis software


  1. Using the Fabry-Perot interferometer and a selfmade telescope the splitting up of the central line into different lines is measured in wave numbers as a function of the magnetic flux density.
  2. From the results of point 1. a value for Bohr's magneton is evaluated.
  3. The light emitted within the direction of the magnetic field is qualitatively investigated.

Learning objectives

  • Bohr's atomic model
  • Quantisation of energy levels
  • Electron spin
  • Bohr's magneton
  • Interference of electromagnetic waves
  • Fabry-Perot interferometer

Scope of delivery

Fabry-Perot interferometer 09050-04 1
Cadmium lamp for Zeeman effect 09050-20 1
PHYWE Power supply for spectral lamps, 230 VAC/50 Hz 13662-97 1
Optical bench expert, l = 1000 mm 08282-00 1
Base for optical bench expert, adjustable 08284-00 2
Slide mount for optical bench expert, h = 80 mm 08286-02 8
High precision slide mount for optical bench expert, h = 30 08286-04 1
Component holder 08043-00 4
Lens made of glass, biconvex, f = + 50 mm 08050-00 2
Lens made of glass, biconvex, f = + 300 mm 08054-00 1
Iris diaphragm 2- 28 mm 08045-01 1
Polarisation filter on stem 08610-02 1
Polarization specimen, mica 08664-00 1
Universal Holder, rotational 08040-02 1
Ring for component holder 08044-00 4
OPTIKA USB Digital Camera 10 Mp, USB 3.0 OPT-C-B10PLUS 1
Holder for digital camera 63300-02 1
12 mm lens for the camera in the Zeeman effect experiment 63300-04 1
Magnetic System, variable, for beam height 150 mm 06327-02 1

PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Robert-Bosch-Breite 10 – 37079 Göttingen – Germany