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Technical data

Breathing of human being

Article no: P9620800


When you breathe in, oxygen enters the lungs and is released into the blood. The blood distributes oxygen throughout the body and carries carbon dioxide back. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of metabolism. When exhaled, the carbon dioxide is then released from the body.

In this experiment, students detect the carbon dioxide content in inhaled and exhaled air. This is achieved with the help of calcium hydroxide by first making lime water. By blowing exhaled air into the lime water, the carbon dioxide is detected.

Scope of delivery

Beaker, 250 ml, plastic (PP) 36082-00 2
Spoon, special steel 33398-00 1
Graduated cylinders, plastic, various sizes 36629-01 1
Test tube 160x16 mm, 10 pcs 37656-03 1
Test tube rack f. 6 tubes, wood 37685-11 1
Rubber stopper, d = 22/17 mm, 1 hole 39255-01 1
Rubber hose, various diameters 39282-00 1
Protecting glasses, clear glass 39316-00 1
Glass rod, boro 3.3, l=200mm, d=6mm 40485-04 1
Rubber bulb, with glass tube 64170-00 1
Calcium hydroxide 500 g 30054-50 1
Water, distilled 5 l 31246-81 1

PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Robert-Bosch-Breite 10 – 37079 Göttingen – Germany