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Technical data

Periodic system properties of a group of elements - Group 2

Article no: P7152200


Chemical elements can be put together in groups because of their similar properties. These elements are arranged horizontally in groups in the periodic table. This classification is a possibility to predict from the properties of previous group members which has some characteristics,  the properties of the following elements of this group. In this experiment the elements magnesium and calcium are investigated and proved that members of the same group show similar chemical properties.


Scope of delivery

Protecting glasses, clear glass 39316-00 1
Rubber gloves, size M (8), one pair 39323-00 1
Spatula, powder, steel, l=150mm 47560-00 1
Tweezers, l = 130 mm, straight, blunt 64610-00 1
Support base, variable 02001-00 1
Stand rods, stainless steel, various sizes 02059-00 1
Wash bottle, 250 ml, plastic 33930-00 1
Ring with boss head, i. d. = 10 cm 37701-01 1
Wire gauze with ceramic, 160 x 160 mm 33287-01 1
Boss head 02043-00 1
Universal clamp 37715-01 1
Test tube, laboratory glass, various lengths, 100 pcs. 37658-10 1
Test tube brush w. wool tip,d20mm 38762-00 1
Test tube rack f. 6 tubes, wood 37685-11 1
Pipette with rubber bulb, long 64821-00 1
Calcium, granular 50 g 30049-05 1
Magnesium, ribbon, roll, 25 g 30132-00 1
Phenolphthalein, 0,5% soution in ethanol, 100 ml 31715-10 1
Crucible tongs, 200 mm, stainless steel 33600-00 1
Dish, plastic, 150x150x65 mm 33928-00 1
Evaporating dish, porcelain, various sizes 32516-00 3

PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Robert-Bosch-Breite 10 – 37079 Göttingen – Germany