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Technical data

Digestion in the intestine

Article no: P8013100


Examination of the action of the enzymes of the pancreatic juice. The pancreatin used in this experiment is a mixture of these enzymes and is extracted out of the pancreas of pigs.


  • Experiment is part of a complete solution set with a total of 44 experiments for botany, reproduction, soil, food and digestion, senses, physiology.

  • With student worksheet, appropriate for all class levels.

  • With detailed instructor information.

  • Optimized for tight schedules, i.e. minimum preparation time required.

  • Biology solution set specifically designed to include all required accessories.


Examine the action of the enzymes of the pancreatic juice.



Scope of delivery

Support base, variable 02001-00 1
Support rod, l = 600 mm, d = 10 mm, split in 2 rods with screw threads 02035-00 1
Wire gauze with ceramic, 160 x 160 mm 33287-01 1
Knife, stainless 33476-00 1
Beakers, Boro, high form, various sizes 46029-00 1
Graduated pipettes, various sizes 36600-00 3
Graduated cylinders, plastic, various sizes 36629-01 1
Test tube, laboratory glass, various lengths, 100 pcs. 37656-10 5
Test tube rack f. 6 tubes, wood 37685-11 1
Support ring, i.d. 130mm,w.boss 37722-03 1
Students thermometer,-10...+110°C, l = 180 mm 38005-02 1
Spoon, with spatula end, 180 mm, plastic 38833-00 1
Glass rod, boro 3.3, l=200mm, d=5mm 40485-03 1
Wide-mouth flasks, clear, narrow neck, with stopper, various sizes 41101-01 1
Pipette with rubber bulb 64701-00 1
Water, distilled 5 l 31246-81 1
Iodine potass.iodide sol., 250 ml 30094-25 1
Starch,soluble 100 g 30227-10 1
Pancreatin 25 g 31699-04 1
Butane burner, Labogaz 206 type 32178-00 1
Butane cartridge C206, without valve, 190 g 47535-01 1
Portable Balance, OHAUS CR221, 220 g / 0.1 g 48913-00 1

PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Robert-Bosch-Breite 10 – 37079 Göttingen – Germany