Optimization of the CT scan quality

Article no. P2550705 | Type: Experiments

45 Minutes
45 Minutes
Teachers/Professors , Students


The quality of the image will improve with a number of parameters. In this experiment the different fac-tors influencing the quality of the CT Scan are investigated. One of the most important parameters is the number of projections. This is due to a longer scan time which results in better image quality and less noise and to the fact that more sampling has been taken and the features of the sample can be recon-structed more accurately. The accuracy and quality of the reconstruction improves not only with the number of projections but also with the total angle the projections were taken under. Optimal results are achieved with 360°.


  1. Evaluate the number of projection
  2. Evaluate the stop angle
  3. Evaluate the exposure time
  4. Evaluate the binning

Learning objectives

  • Number of projections
  • Stop angle
  • Exposure time
  • Image statistics
  • Binning

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