Comparison of the rotor coils (DEMO)

Article no. P1433905 | Type: Experiments

20 Minutes
10 Minutes
grades 7-10

Also part of:

DEMO advanced Physics Electromagnetism 1

Article no. 25573-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available


Turning a coil in the magnetic field generates voltage on its ends (induced voltage). After each half rotation of the coil the voltage changes its sign. If just at this moment the polarity of the coil winding is reversed with the help of a so-called collector, then DC voltage is generated. A light bulb can be operated with the electrical energy generated. In this experiment the dependence of the induced voltage with respect to the number of windings of the rotor coil is analyzed both for the generator and the motor.


  • Demonstrative experiment due to large instruments
  • Easy and sturdy setup

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