Measurement of weight with Cobra SMARTsense

Article no. P6103169 | Type: Experiments

grades 5-7 , grades 7-10
10 Minutes
10 Minutes


The students observe the behaviour of a dynamometer that is subject to various forces when different masses are suspended from it and notice that the weight of the suspended masses increases when the mass is increased and that the action of force is reversible. They draw the conclusion that the weight is proportional to the suspended mass, thereby learning about the basic principles of Hooke's law.

In addition, they familiarise themselves with the handling of a dynamometer and they can apply this knowledge during the next experiment. When using a typical dynamometer, they recognise the relationship between the indicated force and the proportional extension of the coil spring (Hooke's law). When using the Cobra4 Sensor-Unit, they gather experience concerning the use of the measurement software and the various types of representation.


  • Experiment guides are very easy to understand, especially for younger students
  • Associated competences are directly linked to the experiments
  • Curriculum compatible
  • Fit for the future: implementation of tablets possible

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