Resilience of bones

Article no. P9621000 | Type: Experiments

grades 5-7
10 Minutes
10 Minutes

Also part of:

Student set Body and health, TESS beginner Sciences

Article no. 15247-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available


Humans have several different types of bones, which differ in structure and function. On the one hand, the bones differ in length, on the other hand in shape (flat or tubular). In this experiment, students investigate the strength of tubular and plate bones using a simple model made of cardboard and weights. To do this, they load the model bones with weights and observe how differently the bones bend.

Because of the way tubular bones are constructed, they are better suited for stronger loads. This is why long tubular bones form the supporting framework in the human skeleton. The tubular bones serve the body mainly as a support function

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