Thermal conductivity of metals

Article no. P2350201 | Type: Experiments

45 Minutes
45 Minutes
Teachers/Professors , Students


The thermal conductivity of copper and aluminium is determined in a constant temperature gradient from the calorimetrically measured heat flow.


  • Easy to set temperature gradient
  • Compact, easily transportable setup


  1. Determine the heat capacity of the calorimeter in a mixture experiment as a preliminary test. Measure the calefaction of water at a temperature of 0 °C in a calorimeter due to the action of the ambient temperature as a function of time.
  2. To begin with, establish a constant temperature gradient in a metal rod with the use of two heat reservoirs (boiling water and ice water). After removing the pieces of ice, measure the calefaction of the cold water as a function of time

             and determine the thermal conductivity of the metal rod.

Learning objectives

  • Thermal conductivity
  • Diffusion
  • Temperature gradient
  • Heat transport
  • Specific heat

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