Temperature dependence of different resistors and diodes

Article no. P2410401 | Type: Experiments

45 Minutes
45 Minutes


The temperature dependence of an electrical parameter (e.g. resistance, conducting-state voltage, blocking voltage) of different components is determined. To do this, the immersion probe set is immersed in a water bath and the resistance is measured at regular temperature intervals.


  • One setup to measure both electrical components and semiconducting diodes, as well as the blocking voltage
  • All immersion probes are mounted on one convenient heat-resistant circuit board for easy handling


  1. Measurement of the temperature dependence of the resistance of different electrical components.
  2. Measurement of the temperature dependence of the conducting state voltage of semiconducting diodes.
  3. Measurement of the temperature dependence of the voltage in the Zener and the avalanche effects.

Learning objectives

  • Carbon film resistor
  • Metallic film resistor
  • PTC
  • NTC
  • Z diode
  • Avalanche effect
  • Zener effect
  • Charge carrier generation
  • Free path
  • Mathie's rule

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