This is a model experiment to show the industrial blast furnace process to produce iron from iron(III) oxide. During the experiment a furnace gas flame that is approximately 10 to 20 cm high can be ignited at the stack outlet. Cavities form in the burning carbon layer. These cavities collapse over time. Apart from ash and carbon residues, metallic lumps can also be found in the frame after the end of the experiment. Samples of these lumps lead to the formation of hydrogen when they are treated with hydrochloric acid.
- Illustrative presentation of the blast furnace process
- Secure connection of the items by GL screw joint system
- Investigate the reduction fo iron(III) oxide to Iron(II) oxide.
- Show the blast furnace process in a model experiment.
Learning objectives
- Iron
- Blast furnace process
- Slug
- Production of iron
- Reduction
- Oxidation
Necessary accessories
- Precision balance 620g/0.001g