Kirchhoff's laws

Article no. P2410500 | Type: Experiments

45 Minutes
45 Minutes
Teachers/Professors , Students


Kirchhoff's laws are verified by measuring current, voltage and resistance in series and parallel circuits. In addition, the Wheatstone bridge circuit is used to determine unknown resistances more precisely.


  • Setup to measure both Kirchhoff's laws and to determine unknown resistances
  • Components can also be used for other basic and advanced electricity experiments


  1. Verify Kirchhoff's laws by measuring current and voltage for series and parallel connected resistors for each resistor as well as the total values. From these measurements calculate the partial and total resistances.
  2. Determine unknown resistances by the use of the Wheatstone bridge circuit.

Learning objectives

  • Kirchhoff's laws
  • Induction law
  • Maxwell equations
  • Current
  • Voltage
  • Resistance
  • Parallel connection
  • Series connection
  • Potentiometer

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