Half-life and radioactive equilibrium with Cobra SMARTsense

Article no. P2520167


The half-life of a Ba-137 m daughter substance eluted (washed) out of a Ca-137 isotope generator is measured directly and is also determined from the increase in activity after elution.


  1. To record the counting rate as a function of the counter tube voltage (counter tube characteristic) when the isotope generator activity is constant (radioactive equilibrium).
  2. To measure the activity of the isotope generator as a function of time immediately after elution.
  3. To measure the activity of a freshly eluted solution of Ba-137 m as a function of time.

Learning objectives

  • Parent substance
  • Daughter substance
  • Rate of decay
  • Disintegration or decay constant
  • Counting rate
  • Half life
  • Disintegration product

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Half-life and radioactive equilibrium with Cobra SMARTsense
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