The alpha-spectrum of an open 241-Am-emitter is measured with a semiconductor a-detector. In connection with a multi channel analyzer the main parts of the spectrum are investigated.
- Alpha spectroscopy of the fine structure of alpha emitting Americium to understand the technique within a practical course
- The combination of multichannel analyzer (MCA), preamplifier and alpha detector leads to precise results.
- Transparent glass container with perfect visibility of the whole setup and good vacuum conditions, used in several experiments
- The spectrum of an uncovered 241-Am-emitter is recorded with the multi channel analyzer. The energies of the two peaks preceding the principal peak are calculated. The principal peak, corresponding to a particle energy of 5.486 MeV, is used for calibration purposes.
- The resolution capacity of the measurement layout is measured from the half-life width of the principal peak.
Learning objectives
- Energy level diagram (decay diagram)
- Transition probability
- Excited nuclear states
- γ-emission
- Connection between the fine structure of the α-spectrum and the accompanying γ-spectrum