Electric fields and potentials in the plate capacitor

Article no. P2420105 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
20 Minutes
Teachers/Professors , Students


A uniform electric field E is produced between the charged plates of a plate capacitor. The strength of the field is computer-assisted determined with the electric field strength meter, as a function of the plate spacing d and the voltage U. The potential ø within the field is measured with a potential measuring probe.


  • Loss-less measurement of electric field strength
  • High-sensitive electric field meter also suitable for electrostatic measurement of voltages


  1. The relationship between voltage and electric field strength is investigated, with constant plate spacing.
  2. The relationship between electric field strength and plate spacing is investigated, with constant voltage.
  3. In the plate capacitor, the potential is measured with a probe, as a function of position.

Learning objectives

  • Capacitor
  • Electric field
  • Potential
  • Voltage
  • Equipotential lines

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Electric fields and potentials in the plate capacitor
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