Determination of molar mass using the ideal gas law

Article no. P3010401 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
20 Minutes
Teachers/Professors , Students


All gases may be considered, to a first approximation, to obey the ideal gas equation which relates the pressure p, volume V, temperature T  and amount of substance n of a gas. The amount of gas n is expressed as the number of moles and is equal to m / M  where m is the mass of gas present and M  is the mass of one mole of the gas. The volume occupied by a known mass of gas is to be measured at a given temperature and pressure, so that the ideal gas equation can be used to estimate the molar mass of the gas.


  • Examination of many different gases possible
  • Illustrative experimental setup


Determine the molar masses of the gases helium, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and methane.

Learning objectives

  • Molar mass and relative molar mass
  • Properties of gases
  • Ideal and ordinary gases
  • Equations of state

Necessary accessories

  • Precision balance 620g/0.001g


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Determination of molar mass using the ideal gas law
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