Coulomb potential and Coulomb field of metal spheres

Article no. P2420505 | Type: Experiments

45 Minutes
45 Minutes
Teachers/Professors , Students


Conducting spheres with different diameters are charged electrically. The static potentials and the accompanying electric field intensities are computer-assisted determined by means of an electric field meter with a potential measuring probe, as a function of position and voltage.


  • Supplies non-hazardous high voltage
  • Loss-less measurement of electric field strength
  • High-sensitive electric field meter also suitable for electrostatic measurement of voltages


  1. For a conducting sphere of diameter 2R = 12 cm, electrostatic potential is determined as a function of voltage at a constant distance from the surface of the sphere.
  2. For the conducting spheres of diameters 2R = 12 cm and 2R = 4 cm, electrostatic potential at constant voltage is determined as a function of the distance from the surface of the sphere.
  3. For both conducting spheres, electricfield strength is determined as a function of charging voltage at three different distances from the surface of the sphere.
  4. For the conducting sphere of diameter 2R = 12 cm, electric field strength is determined as a function of the distance from the surface of the sphere at constant charging voltage.

Learning objectives

  • Electric field
  • Field intensity
  • Electric flow
  • Electric charge
  • Gaussian rule
  • Surface charge density
  • Induction
  • Induction constant
  • Capacitance
  • Gradient
  • Image charge
  • Electrostatic potential
  • Potential difference

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Coulomb potential and Coulomb field of metal spheres
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