4 Point Method / Measurement of low resistances / Ohm's Law

Article no. P2410101 | Type: Experiments

45 Minutes
45 Minutes
Teachers/Professors , Students


The resistances of various DC conductors are determined by recording the current / voltage characteristic. The resistivity of metal rods and the contact resistance of connecting cords are calculated.


  • Measurement at two different metals possible
  • Conductivity rods can be used both for electrical and thermal conductivity experiments
  • Measurement amplifier can be used for both AC and DC measurements and amplifies up to 10,000 times


  1. To plot the current / voltage characteristics of metal rods (copper and aluminium) and to calculate their resistivity.
  2. To determine the resistance of various connecting cords by plotting their current / voltage characteristics and calculating the contact resistances.

Learning objectives

  • Ohm's law
  • Resistivity
  • Contact resistance
  • Conductivity
  • Four-wire method of measurement

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