What does the UI characteristic of an LED look like?

Article no. P1419301 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
10 Minutes
grades 10-13

Also part of:

Student set Optics / Atomic physics (special edition), TESS advanced Physics

Article no. 13286-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available
Student set Optics / Atomic physics, TESS advanced Physics

Article no. 15350-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available


Because stray light cannot enter the LED on account of the tube, this experiment can also be carried out in daylight. In this experiment you will learn to record a characteristic and to interpret it.


  • Specified for the requirements of the german final secondary-school examinations
  • Especially for secondary schools
  • Quantum and wave optics in a student experiment


What does the UI characteristic of an LED look like? A light emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor component which has a characteristic curve. A component can be caharacterised by the relationship between the applied voltage and the measured current.

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What does the UI characteristic of an LED look like?
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