Uniform linear motion with thetimer 2-1

Article no. P1003505 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
10 Minutes
grades 7-10

Also part of:

Student set Linear Motion with Timer 2-1, Dynamics, TESS adv. Physics

Article no. 15283-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available


The pupils should develop the notion of linear uniform motion experimentally, by deriving the speed of the powered car from the measurement of the distance and time. The experiment should be carried out with different distances and car speeds.

From the measurement values obtained the pupils should recognize that the speed within the distances measured in these experiments is constant and that therefore the term "uniform" applies to them.


  • Especially accurate and reproducible results due to the use of light barriers and the Timer 2-1
  • Timer 2-1 can be used for versatile applications, for example for teacher experiments due to ist great display
  • Very modern student experiments which fully cover the curriculum subject "Motion"


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Uniform linear motion with thetimer 2-1
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