The lead accumulator

Article no. P1375400 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
10 Minutes
grades 7-10

Also part of:

Student set Electricity / Electronics 1 with Building Blocks, TESS advanced Physics

Article no. 25264-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available


The storage of electrical energy is a significant problem for the supply of energy, particularly as the alternating current made available by power stations cannot be directly stored.
Direct current, however, can be stored by converting the electrical energy into chemical energy. The device which is suitable for this is called an accumulator, or storage battery. In practice, several accumulator cells are connected together in series to a battery.
The students are familiar with such accumulators. This experiment is intended to clearly explain the construction principle and the mode of action of a lead accumulator.


  • No additional cable connections between the building blocks needed - clear arragned and quick setup
  • Contact saftey due to puzzle blocks system
  • Corrosion-free gold plated contacts
  • Doubled earning sucess: Electric circuit diagram on top, real components can be seen unterside


How does a lead accumulator function?

Demonstrate how electrical energy can be stored chemically by using, as example, a model of a lead accumulator.


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The lead accumulator
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