The deflection of beta radiation in a magnetic field with Cobra SMARTsense

Article no. P7300969 | Type: Experiments

Pupils , Students
grades 10-13
10 Minutes
10 Minutes

Also part of:

Student set Radioactivity, digital, TESS advanced physics

Article no. 25261-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available


An angular scale is used to investigate the deflection of beta rays in the magnetic field.


  • Especially understandable and didactically prepared description of the experiment (relevance to everyday life, etc.) including protocol questions.
  • Future-oriented teaching: Integration into digital science lessons with tablets or smartphones.
  • Increased motivation of students by using the intuitive measureAPP.
  • Increased media competence.


The students investigate the deflection of beta rays in the magnetic field by moving the Geiger-Müller counter tube on the angular scale of the mounting plate and detecting the pulse rate.

Learning Objectives

In this experiment, various findings can be conveyed:

  • β rays consist of electrically charged particles because they are deflected by a magnet.
  • Since the direction of the deflection is opposite to the direction expected according to the three-finger rule, β particles have a negative charge.
  • The stronger the magnetic field, the greater the deflection. When the field direction is changed, the deflection is also in the opposite direction.
  • The β particles have different energy values because they are deflected to different degrees.

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The deflection of beta radiation in a magnetic field with Cobra SMARTsense
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