The Bergmann rule: heat loss as a function of the body surface area and volume with Cobra SMARTsense

Article no. P8020169 | Type: Experiments

grades 7-10
10 Minutes
20 Minutes


The anatomist and physiologist Carl Bergmann established this rule, named after him, in 1847: due to the heat radiation on the surface of warm-blooded animals, one often encounters the larger species or breeds in colder areas and the smaller ones in warmer areas. In this experiment, the ratio of volume to body surface and its cooling is determined using a model with differently sized, heated potatoes. The latest digital measuring technology is used here, which makes this rule very clear and easy for pupils to understand.


  • Especially understandable and didactically prepared description of the experiment (relevance to everyday life, etc.) including protocol questions
  • Future-oriented teaching: Integration into digital science lessons with tablets or smartphones
  • Increased motivation of students by using the intuitive measureAPP
  • Increased media competence


  1. Students should use the Cobra SMARTsense Temperature to record the temperature in two differently sized heated potatoes over a period of 15 minutes.

Learning objectives

  • Students should recognize that a large body loses less heat than a small body in the same time and under the same climatic conditions.



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The Bergmann rule: heat loss as a function of the body surface area and volume with Cobra SMARTsense
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