Sound and noise

Article no. P6010500 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
10 Minutes
grades 7-10 , grades 10-13

Also part of:

Student set Acoustics 1, TESS advanced Physics

Article no. 25289-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available


Oscillations can be transferred through a medium (e.g. air or wood) in the form of sound waves. An oscillation with exactly one oscillation frequency is called harmonic oscillation or pure oscillation. In the amplitude-time-diagram, such an oscillation corresponds to a sine curve. Sound waves that are generated by a sinusoidal oscillation are also called sinusoidal tones or pure tones.


  • Experiment is part of an experiment set with a total of 22 experiments about generation, propagation and perception of sound, oscillations and waves
  • Particularly appropriate as an experiment for first contact with physics in general
  • With graphic student worksheets
  • With detailed instructor information
  • Optimized for tight schedules, i.e. minimum preparation time required


In this experiment, the students analyse the acoustic signals of different sound sources. They work out the differences and similarities in the frequency spectra and amplitude courses over time. The signals are recorded and analysed with the "measure Acoustics" software.

Perform this experiment in order to determine the types of sound that exist apart from the sinusoidal (pure) tone and how these types differ from each other. To do so, examine different sound signals: tuning fork, vibrating string, rustling paper, slapping ruler. After the execution of the experiment, the students should be able to assign the analysed signals to the categories tone, sound, noise, and slap.

What you  can learn about

  • Oscillation frequency
  • Harmonic oscillation
  • Sine curve
  • Sinusoidal oscillation
  • Pure tone


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