Refraction at the glass-air boundary

Article no. P1064700 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
10 Minutes
grades 7-10

Also part of:

Student set Optics 1 including light box, TESS beginner Sciences

Article no. 25276-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available
Student set optics 1 including LED- / Laserlightsource

Article no. 15278-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: Delivery when available


The purpose of the experiment is the investigation of the refraction of light on passing from glass into air and the determination of the angle of refraction for several given values of angle of incidence. In addition to the deepening of their understanding of the law of refraction, the students' experimental skills are exercised in terms of the precise and careful execution of the experiment, adjustment and reading of the angles with the optical disk. Following the experiment, it is possible to discuss the reversability of light and thus to theoretically substantiate the experiment.


  • Multifunctional light box - All-in-one: Can be used for geometric optics on the table, colour mixing and on an optical bench
  • Extension with others sets at anytime, no additional light sources needed, recognition value for students


Why do objects in water appear to be raised? Investigate the behaviour of narrow light beams on passing from glass into air and measure the angle of refraction as a function of the angle of incidence.

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