Propagation of sound in water

Article no. P6010300 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
10 Minutes
grades 7-10

Also part of:

Student set Acoustics 1, TESS advanced Physics

Article no. 25289-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available


The aim of this experiment is to enable the students to find out that sound can also propagate in other media, e.g. liquids. For this purpose, they study the propagation of the sound of a tuning fork in a tube that can be filled with air or water. For comparison, the sound propagation via the tube itself (solid body) is also observed. The students learn that the quality of the sound propagation depends on the density of the transferring medium.


  • Experiment is part of an experiment set with a total of 22 experiments about generation, propagation and perception of sound, oscillations and waves
  • Particularly appropriate as an experiment for first contact with physics in general
  • With graphic student worksheets
  • With detailed instructor information
  • Optimized for tight schedules, i.e. minimum preparation time required


Normally, we hear sound that is emitted by a source when it reaches our ear through the air. Examine in this experiment whether sound can also propagate in water. To do so, try to hear the sound of a tuning fork through the air as well as through water. Does the tuning fork sound different?

Learning objectives

  • Sound propagation
  • Density


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