Influence of insulation on the absorption of solar energy

Article no. P9513300 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
10 Minutes
grades 7-10 , grades 10-13


The temperature increase is much higher in the case of the insulated plate as opposed to the uncovered plate. When the plate is not insulated, it can lose heat energy to air flowing by and through the radiation of heat.


  • Experiment is part of a complete solution set with a total of 17 experiments for Renewable Energy Basics and Heat energy
  • Safe experimentation: the lamp is protected against touch, the housing is well ventilated with the aid of holes and is only slightly heated
  • Stable setup by using the optical bench


  1. Why is a solar collector insulated on the back? In this experiment, compare two different setups and measurements:
    A black plate is illuminated with a 20 W lamp. In the first measurement, the plate is uncovered in the second, it is insulated at the back and sides.
    In which setup does the plate get warmer?

Learning objectives

  • Insulation
  • Solar collector

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