Identification of plastics (1): thermoplastics and thermo-setting plastics

Article no. P7182200 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
20 Minutes
grades 10-13

Generally, plastics can be divided into two classes: thermoplastics and thermosets or duroplastics (and elastomers), which show a different behaviour due to their different molecular structures especially when heated. Because of the threadlike structure of thermoplastics (which can be "frozen" when heated and afterwards quenched), they show a "memory-effect" when re-heated and they take their original shape again. The behaviour of duroplastics and thermoplastics when heated is examined uin this experiment.


Learning objectives

  •  Detection methods for thermoplastics and duroplastics



  • Easy teaching and efficient learning by using interactive experimentation PHYWE-Software
  • Experiment is part of a complete solution set with experiments for the topic Chemistry of Polymers matched with international curriculum: all topics are covered


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Identification of plastics (1): thermoplastics and thermo-setting plastics
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