In order to be able to set up in such a way that all the slides fit between the light sensor and the LED without having to shift the mounts, the 5 slides are first held between the light sensor and the tube on the LED and the mounts are pushed together accordingly.
- Specified for the requirements of the german final secondary-school examinations
- Especially for secondary schools
- Quantum and wave optics in a student experiment
How id light attenuated when passing through substances? When light passes trough a substance or liquid the intensity is attenuated. This attenuation can be demonstrated by means of a light sensor. In this experiment the number of absorbing layers (grey filters) is modified and the light intensity is measured. Eventually you will develop a formula in this experiment for the reduction in intensity as a function of the thickness of the layer that the light passes through. Note: The variation in the number of grey filters can be interpreted as a variation in the thickness of a single body.