The students should verify the declaration of Hooke's Law, i.e. the proportionality of force and extension within the elasticity range of an elastic body, with measurements on 2 helical springs having different spring constants. These springs will be weighed down with mass pieces, whose weight (force) causes a deformation.
The students should be familiar with the connection between masses and weight (force) from Experiment ME 2.3. As an approximation, Fg∕m should be considered equal to 0.01 N∕g.
In a supplementary problem the spring constants should be determined from the graph and these results should be compared with the nominal values for the springs.
The term "(slotted) weight" is incorrect inasmuch as we are dealing with a mass which becomes a weight (in reality "a weight-force") under the influence of the earth's gravity. The term "mass piece" used here is better.
- Real stand material for an esecially stable and safe setup
- Student-suitable experiment descriptions with reports available