Generation of electrical energy using a thermogenerator(thermoelectric power)

Article no. P9517100 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
10 Minutes
grades 7-10 , grades 10-13


The Peltier element (thermal generator) is made of many thermo elements. These are switched on electrically in series and thermally parallel, so that their thermoelectric voltages are added together. This experiment demonstrates that a thermo generator can produce electrical energy from thermal energy. The thermoelectric voltage of a thermo generator depends on the difference of temperature across the element. A large storage (aluminium block) can maintain constant the difference of temperature for a long time (and in this way also higher), and therefore it is advantageous when producing energy. The results depend on the ambient temperature, and therefore, the measuring values can deviate from the exemplar solution. However, the general behaviour of the thermal tension remains constant.


  • Experiment is part of a complete solution set with a total of 17 experiments for Renewable Energy Basics and Heat energy
  • Direct protection of the thermocouple against overheating due to fixed aluminum plates
  • Additional aluminum block for storage of heat energy


  1. Examine the characteristics of a thermo generator.
  2. Observe what happens when the aluminium plate is warmed up or cooled down.
    Try to operate a small motor by means of the thermo generator. Additionally, there is a big aluminium block.
    Try to find out what relevance it has.

Learning objectives

  • Thermogenerator
  • Thermal tension

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Generation of electrical energy using a thermogenerator(thermoelectric power)
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