Electrolysis of water

Article no. P1028200 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
20 Minutes
grades 7-10 , grades 10-13


In the case of simple electrolysis (for example electrolysis of water) an electrolysis cell consists of two identical electrodes (mostly graphite or platinum), which are immersed in an (electrolyte) solution. In this experiment sodium hydroxide solution is used as an electrolyte solution to make the water more conductive. The conductivity of (dist.) Water would be so low that the velocity of electrolysis water would be very slow.

In this experiment students learn that water can be decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen by the use of electrical energy. The formation of oxygen in this electrolysis reaction, students recognize the water belongs to the substance class of oxides.


Learning objectives

  • Analysis of water
  • Water is an oxide
  • electrolysis process

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