Lowering of the melting point with salt

Article no. P9171200 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
10 Minutes
grades 5-7

Also part of:

Student set Heat digital, TESS beginner Sciences

Article no. 15235-88D | Type: Set

Student set Heat, TESS beginner Sciences

Article no. 15235-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available


In this experiment, students observe the effect of salt on the melting point of water using a beaker filled with ice and water. They observe that after adding the salt, the ice melts and the temperature of the water in the beaker falls below 0°C. They conclude that the salt lowers the melting point of the water. They conclude that the salt lowers the melting point of the water, causing the ice to melt faster and the water to cool further than normal.

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