Fresh and spent deep-fry fat

Article no. P7186100 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
20 Minutes
grades 5-7 , grades 7-10 , grades 10-13

Also part of:

Student set Food chemistry, TESS advanced Chemistry

Article no. 25306-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available

Usually vegetable fats and oils are used for deep-frying. Animal fats, such as beef suet and leaf fat are less suitable. Alongside fat, they contain protein, which separates as a brown turbidity on heating and negatively influences the usability of the fat. When fats and oils are heated with foods, the fats are considerably changed by auto-oxidation, isomerisation, polymerisation and hydrolysisThe reaction with Schiff's reagent can be used to judge deep-fry fat. Deep-fry fat which is unfit for use can be recognized by its colour, taste and reduced smoke point. The health aspects of deep-frying should be discussed.


Learning objectives

  • Properties of vegetable fats and oils 



  • Easy teaching and efficient learning by using interactive experimentation PHYWE-Software
  • Experiment is part of a complete solution set with experiments for the topic Food Chemistry matched with international curriculum: all topics are covered


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