Force reduction with a two-sided lever

Article no. P6104100 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
10 Minutes
grades 5-7

Also part of:

Student set Mechanical devices in everyday use, TESS beginner Sciences

Article no. 15239-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available


The students will observe the relationship between weight and the length of the lever arm of a two-sided lever. They will notice that the point of application of different masses affects the effort which is necessary in order to keep the lever in balance. In addition, they will see how the force, which needs to be applied, changes depending on the point of application of the spring balance or force sensor. They will conclude that force (or effort) can be reduced with the aid of a two-sided lever if the mass and spring balance or force sensor are positioned in a suitable manner.


  • Experiment guides are very easy to understand, especially for younger students
  • Associated competences are directly linked to the experiments
  • Curriculum compatible
  • Fit for the future: implementation of tablets possible

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Force reduction with a two-sided lever
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