If a copper and a zinc sheet are immersed in a salt solution, a DC voltage can be measured between these sheets. In this salt solution, the less noble metal (in this case zinc) gives off electrons to the more noble metal (in this case copper). The metals used act as so-called electrodes. In this experiment, students therefore learn how to generate a DC voltage in a salt solution using two electrodes and how this can be easily measured using the Cobra SMARTsense voltage sensor and the PHYWE measureAPP.
- The experiment is part of a complete set that covers all important curricular topics in electrochemistry
- Quick and easy experiment preparation (experiment instructions and hazard assessment available)
- Increased motivation among students through the use of the intuitive measureAPP (available free of charge)
- Increase in media literacy
- Check whether a DC voltage can be generated between a zinc and a copper electrode using two salt solutions.
- How high is this DC voltage and which physicochemical principles are responsible for its generation?