Body heat

Article no. P8010400 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
10 Minutes
grades 5-7 , grades 7-10

Also part of:

Student set General biology, TESS advanced Biology

Article no. 25296-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: Delivery when available


A healthy person has a body temperature that lies approximately between 36 ° C and 37.5 ° C. Thus, it is generally higher than the temperature of the environment in which we find ourselves. We therefore provide heat to our surrounding.The students are supposed to determine their body temperature hourly for an entire day using a clinical thermometer.


  • Experiment is part of a complete solution set with a total of 44 experiments for botany, reproduction, soil, food and digestion, senses, physiology.

  • With student worksheet, appropriate for all class levels.

  • With detailed instructor information.

  • Optimized for tight schedules, i.e. minimum preparation time required.

  • Biology solution set specifically designed to include all required accessories.


Demonstrate the heat-output - the heat radiation- of our body. Observe the variations in our body temperature during the course of a day.


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