The Peltier effect with ADM3

Article no. P9507100 | Type: Experiments

grades 7-10 , grades 10-13
10 Minutes
20 Minutes

Also part of:

DEMO advanced Applied Sciences Basic Set Renewable Energy, basics and thermal energy

Article no. 15580-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: available


A Peltier element and a thermogenerator are similar in design, but they are used for different purposes. The Peltier element consists of a block with many thermocouples, which are electrically connected in series and thermally in parallel, so that their thermoelectric voltages add up. If one side of a thermocouple is colder than the other, an electrical voltage is generated. If a voltage is applied in reverse, a current flows through the element and a temperature difference is created: one side becomes colder, the other warmer. This effect is called Peltier effect.


  • Part of a system solution - easily expandable for further experiments
  • Simple teaching by using the demo board physics
  • Clear test execution by using ADM3 multimeters

Learning objectives

  • Students learn how a thermocouple works.
  • The students observe the conversion of electrical energy into thermal energy.

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