Titration of a weak acid with a strong base

Article no. P7510769

20 Minutes
20 Minutes

During this experiment, the students create a measurement curve for a titration of a weak acid vs. a strong base. On top of that, the students will identify the titration curve's characteristics and determine the equivalence point.
In this experiment a weak acid (here: acetic acid, 0.1 M) of unknown concentration but known volume is filled into a vessel.


The Cobra SMARTsense pH (alternatively the Cobra SMARTsense Dropcounter with a pH-electrode) is utilized to determine the pH value of the weak acid. The solution of a strong base with known concentration (here: sodium hydroxide, 1 M) is filled into the burette. The base is added in 1 ml steps to the acid, the pH value will be determined after every step. The equivalence point is determined with a suitable indicator (here: phenolphthalein).


  • Experiment literature available for pupils and teachers: Minimum preparation time
  • Simple teaching and efficient learning by using the available interactive experiment literature

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