The law of definite proportions in chemical reactions

Article no. P1134400 | Type: Experiments

10 Minutes
20 Minutes
grades 7-10


The law of fixed mass ratios reads: "Chemical compounds are composed of the elements according to fixed mass ratios. The discoverer of this law was Joseph Louis Proust (1754-1826). The proof of this law is given in the first experiment by quantitative tracing of the synthesis of metal sulphides, but in the second and third experiments by reductions of metal oxides.


  • Investigation of the mass ratios in the preparation of metal sulfides from the elements
  • Determination of the mass ratios of copper and lead to oxygen in the oxides by reduction with hydrogen
  • Determining the mass ratios of silver to oxygen in silver oxide


  • Experimental literature available for students and teachers: Minimum preparation time
  • Hazard assessment available for students and teachers
  • Easy teaching and efficient learning when using the available interactive experimental literature

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