Michelson interferometer

Article no. P1413000 | Type: Experiments

grades 10-13
30 Minutes
40 Minutes

Also part of:

DEMO advanced physics set: Diffraction and interference on tthe profile bench

Article no. 15565-88 | Type: Set

Delivery time: 4-8 weeks


In the Michelson arrangement interference will occur by the use of 2 mirrors. The wavelength is determined by displacing one mirror using the micrometer screw.


  • Discover the essence of the Physics Nobel Prize of 1907
  • Lead to experimental findings that only special relativity theory could explain
  • Pre-setup of the critical components makes for short preparation time
  • Digital data aquisition


Determination of the wavelength of the light of the used laser.

Learning objectives

  • Interference
  • Wavelength
  • Refractive index
  • Velocity of light
  • Phase
  • Virtual light source

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