Contraceptive teaching kit

Article no. KLA-120-100 | Type: Equipment & Accessories

Function and Applications

Case + folder

The question of protection against AIDS and the problem of contraception belong in biology lessons today

With the Schlüter-Kit you can deal with these topics discreetly and without violating intimate spheres. Didactically coordinated, overhead transparencies and objects complement each other

9 overhead transparencies as basic and cover sheets show schematically female and male sexual organs, the fertilization process, as well as the different ways of contraception. The different methods of contraception: temperature method, pill, coil, diaphragm, chem. The use of condoms and the possibility of sterilisation.

It includes the appropriate demonstration material in the case. The kit consists of 2 parts: 1 folder, 32 x 24 cm


- 9 overhead transparencies, congruently perforated, the cover transparencies in red print (without lettering for didactic reasons).

- Sheets DIN A 4, for the teacher, with titles and names of the projected images.

- Accompanying texts (teacher's info).

- Booklets of accompanying literature (PRO FAMILIA)

1 case, 31 x 29 x 10.5 cm


- Spiral

- diaphragm

- pill (empty pack)

- Foam suppository

- other chemical contraceptives

- various Condoms

- Femidon etc.

Prescription drugs are supplied only as empty packages with information leaflet

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