Calculating the CO2 exchange rate in room air

Article no. P1525000 | Type: Experiments

grades 7-10
10 Minutes
45 Minutes

Different environmental environments are created in the three chambers, which are interconnected. This is a long-term experiment that can be continuously monitored and measurements can be taken.


  • Development of an independent ecosystem in the classroom
  • Evolution can be observed through the transparent chambers
  • Changes in measurement parameters can be recorded and documented through the Cobra SMARTsense sensors


  1. The students create different environments in the three chambers.
  2. In a second work step, the students observe the ecosystem they have created and measure various, relevant environmental factors.
  3. In a third work step, the students change some factors in their ecosystem (light, temperature, ...) and observe the changes that occur as a result.

Learning objectives

  • Interaction of ecosystems
  • Influence of the changes in one ecosystem on others



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